Providing Knowledgeable and Strategic Guidance
Name Changes for Transgender
People who are Transitioning
Bruce to Cait
With the newfound attention that Bruce Jenner transitioning to Cait has brought to this country, Transgender individuals should feel confident that there are people and Attorneys who support the GLBT Community who can assist in their name changes.
As a society that has made dramatic changes such as the Same-Sex Marriage decision of the United States Supreme Court and the acceptance by a large segment of our society fro Bruce Jenner’s transition to Cait, it is time for transgender individuals to seek their rights.
A legal name change is not a complicated process and the only real impediment is either an individual’s criminal background or a Bankruptcy or attempt to evade creditors.
It is extremely important for the self confidence of a transgender person and the transgender community to have someone’s license or identification match their gender.
Gender identification does not preclude a legal name change, and I cannot think of a better reason for getting a name change.
As an Attorney it is an honor to handle cases which are not adversarial and which help my clients and society in general.
As people we need to accept All people from All races, religions, sexual preferences, and sexual orientation. Everyone is entitled to Equal Protection under the law based upon the United States Constitution.
If you or anyone you know needs an Attorney to assist you while you are transitioning or in general, please contact the Law Offices of Kenneth M. Kaplan, Esquire, at 954-260-5479 or 305-666-9797.