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How Your Attorney Can Assist You in Family

Building or Adoption Through Assisted Reproduction Technologies

It is becoming more common and likely that people are having babies through different types of Assisted Reproduction Technologies. This trend is based upon several factors.

First, the traditional Heterosexual family is no longer a majority of the population. There are increasing numbers of single family household, both men and women and with more and more states passing same sex marriage laws there are more gay and lesbian couples raising families.

Second, people are getting married at an older age. These couples may choose to use a surrogate to carry the baby on their behalf.

Finally, with increases in science and technology, In Vitro Fertilization is becoming a more secure method of achieving pregnancy with a higher success to failure ratio.

Today, there are at least 62,000 babies born per year through Assisted Reproduction Technologies and the numbers are likely to increase every year.

More than 1.5% of babies born in the United States were conceived through In Vitro Fertilization.

There are approximately 400 fertility clinics throughout the United States and out of 165,000 procedures around 62,000 babies were born. The success ratio for Assisted Reproduction Technologies is at an all-time high and these percentages are also likely to improve.

When an individual or couple is interested in using Assisted Reproductive Technologies they should contact an Attorney who is able to guide them through this process.

Many factors must be considered in order for the attorney to direct the individuals or couples through this process.

In Vitro Fertilization

During In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) eggs and sperm are taken from a couple and are incubated together in a dish in a laboratory to produce an embryo, An Embryologist places the embryo into the woman’s uterus, where it may implant and result in a successful pregnancy.

When couples do not achieve pregnancy from infertility treatment or traditional Assisted Reproductive Technologies, they choose third party Assisted Reproductive Technologies.

Sperm Donation- Couples can use donated sperm when a man does not produce sperm or a man has a low number of sperm.

Egg Donation- This can be used when a woman does not produce healthy eggs that can be fertilized. An egg donor undergoes ovary stimulation and egg retrieval steps of In Vitro Fertilization. The donated egg can then be fertilized by sperm from the woman’s partner, and the resulting embryo is placed into the woman’s uterus.

Surrogates and Gestational Carriers

If a woman is unable to carry a pregnancy to term, she and her partner may choose a Surrogate or Gestational carrier.

A Surrogate is a woman inseminated with sperm from the male partner of the couple. The resulting child would be biologically related to the Surrogate and the male partner.

In contrast, a Gestational carrier is implanted with an embryo that is not biologically related to her. This alternative can be used when a woman produces healthy eggs but is unable to carry a pregnancy to term.

Finally, a Gestational carrier can have a frozen embryo implanted in her body. The frozen embryo would be donated by a couple who went through In Vitro Fertilization and successfully created embryos. These embryos were donated to other couples who were incapable of having children on their own.

As an attorney who practices in the Assisted Reproductive Technology field it is my responsibility to prepare specific contracts which protect the rights of the individuals wishing to have babies as well as the Sperm donors, Egg Donors, Surrogates and Gestational Carriers who face health risks throughout the pregnancy.

It is also critical to have an attorney and good connections with agencies that provide Surrogates, Gestational carriers, and Egg Donors who are reliable and have has their background thoroughly examined.

Additionally, your attorney should be able to refer you to an experienced fertility doctor who can maximize your chances of a successful pregnancy. If you are seeking an Embryo Donation, then the attorney should assist you in finding the perfect match for both of you and the donating family.

If you are someone you love wishes to have a family, then Kenneth M. Kaplan, Esquire, is here to provide you with my knowledge, connections, and experience. Helping people to have children and families is the most enjoyable and rewarding service that I can provide.

Please contact me at:

Client Reviews

If you ever need a compassionate, hardworking attorney who believes in doing the right thing for families going through a divorce, but being fair and honest, go with Mr Kaplan, Esq. He is one attorney has always been patient, up front and defending your rights with integrity. Can’t ask for any...

Charles A.

I would like to recommend my attorney's, Mr. Kenneth Kaplan, excellent services to anyone looking to represented for a child support or divorce matter. He can definitely be counted on. Very trustworthy and knowledgeable. He finds solutions to problems that seem can't be solved.


9/1/17 was one of the best days of my life! Mr. Kenneth Kaplan did an awesome job on my case.I would recommend him to anyone who needs a family law attorney. He's always there when I had a question, concern or needed reassurance. I was able to call, email or text him and he promptly responded. I...


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